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How to create a sustainable product life cycle?

As an organisation, you want to achieve success with your products. Exactly when you are successful depends on myriad factors. Firstly, it is important to your buyers and customers that your product offers excellent value for money. At the same time, the sustainability of a product is an increasingly important aspect for many. A study conducted by Sanoma shows that 61% of Dutch consumers (no international data are available) are actually willing to pay more for sustainable products and services. Think of e.g. biological food, solar panels, electric cars and clothing made from biological cotton, as well as recycled plastic, smart software to save energy and CO2 reducing holidays.

It pays to invest in sustainability

Investing in sustainability products can definitely pay off. When is a product sustainable? When it is made from recycled materials? When energy is saved during its production? When it has a long(er) life cycle? When you opt for a sustainable transport method? If it can be recycled again at the end of its life cycle? As you can see, there are ways to make a product more sustainable at every phase of its life cycle.

What is a sustainable product life cycle?

For a sustainable product life cycle, it is important to reduce the product’s environmental impact to a minimum at every stage of its life cycle: from design to end of life.

The three phases of a product life cycle

From a production perspective, a product life cycle generally consists of three phases: 1. Beginning of life (BOL) 2. Middle of life (MOL) 3. End of life (EOL)