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7 reasons to choose for Rompa Group

If you want to have a fully-finished plastic product developed and manufactured, at Rompa Group you have come to the right address. We have years of experience in the development, production, and assembly of plastic products with or without electronics for various global market leaders. And we also have the expertise to make your project a reality. But what are the other reasons why you should choose for Rompa Group? We are happy to list them for you.

1. High quality material

1. A full-service partner at your side Are you looking for a single partner to spar with on your ideas for a completely finished plastic product with or without electronics and to support you in realising this? In that case, Rompa is your partner. From the design and the assembly of electronics and plastics to the delivery of your final product; we are with you every step of the way. 2. Vertical integration At Rompa we ensure that everything you need for your plastic product fits together seamlessly. Design and engineering, injection moulding, assembly, electronics, packaging, decoration and transport. And don’t forget the application of innovative connectivity solutions in the field of the Internet of Things. We have all the technologies you need. 3. Real partnership As a customer, you are key to us, and you will therefore receive nothing less than our full attention. We invest in a long-term cooperation and prefer to work in line with your organisation. In short: Rompa is the partner you can rely on, now and in the future. 4. A plastic product that meets your wishes and requirements Providing proactive support, thinking along, and optimising your product. That is how we work. We ensure that your plastic product meets your specific wishes and requirements. By now we have gained extensive experience in assembling circuit boards for your plastic product. 5. Committed from the start of the design process The best result is achieved if we are involved in the design process of your plastic product from the very start. This enables us to keep an overview of the course of the process and to provide advice on, among other things, the feasibility, at an early stage. Your plastic product with or without electronics will then be available on the market sooner.

6. A flexible and worldwide supply chain Rompa has a flexible supply chain, because we have production locations in various continents at our disposal. This also includes a factory in the Jiangmen High Tech Zone in China, a region that is part of the Greater Bay Area and which is developing continuously. We also have several factories in Europe and North America. By producing local for local we keep our transport costs low. 7. Nice to work with, nice to work for Doing business is serious enough as it is, isn’t it? There is no harm in it being nice too. Both for you as a customer and for our employees. At Rompa, we want to be nice to work with and nice to work for. And that is why we think it is important that our relationship with you is a personal one and we are happy to involve you in our activities. For example, are we working on your project? Then we will invite you to take a look at the specific locations to discuss the progress of the project, we take you on a tour of the city concerned, and introduce you to local cultures and customs.