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Lifecycle thinking: why plastic contributes to sustainability

Most people would not immediately associate plastic with environmental benefits. To many, it is the symbol of pollution and wastefulness. Nevertheless, plastics make an important contribution to sustainability, which has everything to do with “lifecycle thinking.” PlasticsEurope, an association of plastic producers, explains how that works in a video.
A change is occurring throughout Europe at the moment. We are transitioning from a linear to a circular economy. Products stay in the circle, which reduces pollution, climate change, and food wastage. Plastic can make a positive contribution to this. When we look at a product’s entire lifecycle, we see that plastics help preserve many valuable raw materials.

Plastic in the automotive sector

Take the use of plastics in the automotive sector, an area where Rompa Group has decades of experience. Plastic components make vehicles lighter. As a result, they require less fuel and are less pollutive. With the help of plastic packaging materials, products suffer less damage and our food products and medication are preserved for longer.

Reuse of plastic

Another highly sustainable aspect: recycling. Plastic products can be recycled after use. We do not recycle used products at Rompa, although it is possible to reuse rejected products. How? We grind the plastic up into granules and mix this with the new granules as they enter the machine. The machine melts the granules down and injects the result into the mould. Our customers can choose what percentage of the shot weight they wish to reuse and we also advise them in this matter. Unfortunately, the quality of reused plastic material is somewhat inferior to that of new plastic. In some cases, we may, therefore, limit its use or be obligated by quality laws to forgo it entirely.

Recycling of PET-plastics

Via a new technology, developed by Ioniqa, which removes colours from PET-plastics using magnetic fluids, it will be possible to fully recycle PET-plastics. Another step in full lifecycle thinking.

Would you like to know more about the sustainability of plastic products?

At Rompa, we take the environment into account in a number of ways. Would you like to know how? Take a look at our sustainability measures or contact us. We would be happy to tell you more about our sustainable production methods.