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Five tips for a successful Internet of Things project

Setting up an Internet of Things (IoT) project requires careful preparation. Before you get started, you have to go through several steps. Think of e.g. devising a strategy, selecting the right hard- and software, developing a concept and - last but not least - testing the prototype. You may encounter obstacles along the way. How can you make sure your IoT project can overcome these obstacles? Here are five tips.

1. Develop a realistic concept

When developing a concept, many companies focus primarily on demonstrating how the underlying technology works. That is a major pitfall. The difficulty of IoT mainly stems from its scalability, reliability and security. Building a device that can transmit data is relatively easy. You should therefore invest in a realistic concept that, should the project be launched, can actually be scaled up and rolled out. Start small and develop a plan early on in the process that takes scalability, reliability and security into account.

2. Trust in IoT

IoT can help you save costs. Machines that are remotely monitored are a good example. Any signals that are indicative of problems are detected early on. This can save costs, but only if companies dare to trust in IoT and data collection. If you decide to send an engineer to check things out anyway, you are doing double work and therefore wasting money.

3. Being prepared for the digital future

What you can do with IoT? The possibilities are endless. Think, for example, of automated and remote data collection. In addition to collecting far more data, you can also have maintenance conducted remotely. This automation can lead to major changes within your organisation. Some jobs might become redundant. This can create difficult situations on the work floor. Companies often underestimate how much this development impacts employees. As an employer, it is therefore advisable to make sure your staff embrace IoT. Getting employees ready for a digital future is an important aspect of this. In other words, it is time for a cultural change.

4. Integrate IoT with business applications and systems

Gathering many types of data automatically. With IoT, you can. However, these data are only truly useful when they lead to actions being taken automatically. This is only possible when your systems are properly integrated and can communicate with each other.

5. IoT is a team effort

Having a good partner is essential. You should not try to implement IoT on your own. For a successful IoT project, it is important to work in a technical chain of suppliers who all see eye to eye and coordinate their efforts. You should focus on the aspects that are most relevant to your organisation and outsource the rest. Are you looking for an IoT partner? Rompa has extensive experience with IoT applications. Feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities for your product. You can call us at +31 411 661200 or send an email to [email protected]